The Pentagon never commented in detail on last year’s launch—and the Chinesehave stuck to their story. U.S. and Japanese analysts say China has the mostaggressive satellite attack program in the world. It has staged at least sixASAT missile tests over the past nine years, including the destruction of adefunct Chinese weather satellite in 2007. "It's part of a Chinese bid forhegemony, which is not just about controlling the oceans but airspace and, asan extension of that, outer space," says Minoru Terada, deputysecretary-general of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party.5K1卫客在线-亚洲卫星电视卫星参数-中文寻星参数网站
Besides testing missiles that can intercept and destroy satellites, the Chinesehave developed jamming techniques to disrupt satellite communications. Inaddition, says Lance Gatling, president of Nexial Research, an aerospaceconsultant in Tokyo, the Chinese have studied ground-based lasers that couldtake down a satellite’s solar panels, and satellites equipped with grapplingarms that could co-orbit and then disable expensive U.S. hardware.5K1卫客在线-亚洲卫星电视卫星参数-中文寻星参数网站
除了测试可截获和摧毁卫星的导弹外,中国人还研发干扰技术来阻碍卫星通信。此外,东京航天咨询机构Nexial Research的主席Lance Gatling称中国人已经在研究陆基激光武器用以击落卫星的太阳能板,而且还在研发一种装备有抓钩手臂的卫星,该种卫星可绕轨道运行,利用手臂瘫痪美国昂贵的卫星设备。
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